Alphabetic order
Kickflip Team
Merged in a post:
Arrange answers
Quartier Thailande
When you have a lot of answers to a question, the clarity could be difficult for customers. It would be nice if there would be an option to organize your answers. For example: Alphabetic order, Old to new etc. It takes a lot of time to organize this manually. Also, if you add new answers over time, they will automatically be added to the bottom/end. If you could put them in alphabetic order with one click, this would save a lot of time!
Kickflip Team
Merged in a post:
Alphabetically Ordered Answers
Maarten Luyckx
When importing Image Answers. Sometimes it easier to apply your saved structure on the computer but in the end want to put all the answers in alphabetical order. Now this has to be done manually but having a feature that would automatically reorder the answers in alphabetical order (when clicked) would be a nice feature.
Quartier Thailande
I made a request for this too. Vote up!