DTG, DTF og DTF UV-drukken
Please can you consider the following.....White ink usage on printed items: We need to consider that these technologies use white ink and anything with the color white in will be printed white. i.e. What you see is what will be printed, as an example; if you have a jpeg than will summitted as design to be printed then the white block background will be printed. The industry standard file requirements is .png with a transparent background @ min of 300 to 600dpi
Cindy Hautcoeur
One thing I think you need to strongly consider is this: DTG, DTF and UV DTF need to have transparent background on all print files. example: if you print a file such as .jpeg and the image has a white square background then that will be printed. I have been printing in DTF and DTG formats since the year 2000 and i only accept .png that only have transparent background. Otherwise there will be extremely unhappy clients.
The png graphic file format is actually the industry standard. also don't use PDF as it has 10% more red in so it is not color correct. PDF fell from standard many years ago and in fact .png is safer format to use for printing as it it is the most color correct format for print. so if it is possible please remove these formats as the others only create problems in the long run. or at least change my formats to only .png if possible.