Kickflip Team
Gabriel Xavier Picard
Ben Craig
And text please!
I would like to be able to apply gradients or image overlays to text to represent metallic or holographic vinyl or ink.
Gabriel Xavier Picard
under review
Kickflip Team
Merged in a post:
Link a color question to a logo question
Stefan Damann
i have an png logo that is the same like an image question. So it must be possible to add a color question to it. Thx.
Kickflip Team
Merged in a post:
Color question addon to logo question
Quartier Thailande
Currently, there is no option to add a color question based on a logo question. The color question can only link with an Image and text question.
In my case, I have a lot of different colored logo's (the same logo in different colors). These logo's are all seperate files. Making a color question that would change the color of the logo, would save a lot of data in the customizer and it would make it a lot faster.
Aaron Caudill
Game changer!